Criolloro mit Chili 66% cocoa

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Criollo exclusive chocolate 66% cocoa flavoured with hot chili

13,50 EUR
All prices include vat, plus shipping Postage to an address in Germany is free of charge from a value of 75.00 EUR (without voucher) per package. 130 g (Price per 100g 10.39 EUR) Item No: 1281 Packing unit: packing_unit


Edelkakao, Zucker, Kakaobutter, fettarmes Kakaopulver,Chili (2%), Emulgator: SOJALECITHIN, Vanille Kann Spuren von Ölsamen, Milcheiweiss und Ei enthalten

Nutrion Facts

Average nutritional information per 100g*
Brennwert 2273 kJ / 547 kcal
Fett 41,6 g
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 24,5 g
Kohlenhydrate 35,8 g
- davon Zucker 32,7 g
Eiweiss 7,3 g
Salz 0,03 g
*All information is calculated according to nutritional tables and is subject to natural fluctuations!
All about shipping:
Tel: 02161 693 250
02161 693 252
Fax: 02161 693 195


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